Karl Blossfeldt

The image was taken by Karl Blossfeldt . It is a portrait image and In the photo it shows a leaf that is all curled up. You can see lodes of detailed texture such as the veins and the texture on the stem. The texture is lines and the lines all lead into different directions. The photo creates a mysterious mood because its in black and white and doesn't show any colours so you can't see if its a autumnal leaf or a dark leaf which both set a different mood. In the photo you're instantly attracted to the high amount of detain shown because there is so much exposed. It is using a soft light and it is using studio light rather than using natural light. Using the studio light has allowed more detail to be shown.

The image was taken by Karl Blossfeldt. He takes photos of organic objects such as flowers or plants. There are lines on the flower that show texture. It is using a soft light and it is shot using a handmade camera so it isn't edited or had any filters applied to it. The image creates a dark and mysterious mood because it is in black and white and you can't see to much detail other than the veins and the shape of the flower. It looks like it was shot in a studio rather than being shot outside because there is a black background and you can't see any thing other than black because it was shot on a homemade camera so couldn't have been edited to have a black background.

The image was taken by Karl Blossfeldt and was shot in a studio and is using hard light. It is focused on the plant and the the texture of the plant and the spikes around the outside. The image uses leading lines because the bits on the plant curl in to point towards the arch of plants in the middle.

I think that what was successful was the fact that I did some photos that are copying Karl Blossfeldt because I used a birds eye view and had the object in the centre just like his images do. It was unsuccessful because the objects I used are not similar to the objects that Karl Blossfeldt uses like he uses flowers and plants and I used pine cones and berries. Also I don't think I used much of a range of objects which I should have done. I used lodes of berries and pinecones rather than using a variety of different objects. To improve I could use more objects similar to those that Karl Blossfeldt uses.

I chose to edit this photo because I thought that it was similar to the style that is used in Karl Blossfeldt's photography. I have edited it by putting a black and white filter over the image so it is more like Karl Blossfeldt's photography. I was aiming to achieve my photos to be lie the style that is used in Karl Blossfeld's. I have improved the image by making the style more similar to his by changing it to black and white and centuring the object.
I chose to edit this image because I liked how it was a close up of the first image and you get to see more details of the flower. I used a white background like the backgrounds in Karl's photography. I have centered the object so that it is even more in the style of Karl Blossfeldt. I thin that putting the photo In black and white has helped to achieve the image to be more like the style of Karl.
I chose to edit this photo because I like how it uses depth of field. I don't like how it how it isn't in the style of Karl so next time I could improve that. To make it more in the style of Karl I used a white background such as Karl does. I have also used organic objects and edited it to be black and white like Karl does.
Artist inspired shoot.

Inspired photo shoot edits.

I chose to edit the first image because i think the layout is nice. I have edited the image so that the image is black and white and editing the brightness. By doing this i was hoping for the areas in the image that need to be more brighter ,to be more brighter and for the shadows to be more darker. I could improve the image by using a different view rather than using a birds eye view.
I chose to edit the second image because i chose to use a mirror and it is using depth of field. I chose to use a mirror and not use the paper underneath this time because i didnt really like the paper being creased up and this time i shot in a different angle. In this photo i have edited it to be in black and white and made it brighter.
I chose to edit the third image because it liked the way
Fong Qi Wei:

The image was shot by Fong Qi Wei and is called 'Exploding Flowers' . This image was shot from a birds eye view. It is using artificial light and is coming from the top right because there are more shadows further away from the light. The image uses leading lines to lead your eyes into the centre. The flower has been taken apart and re organised into a new lay out. The use of colours in the image is good because they go together (The light green and the white). The orange parts of the flower make your attention draw to those because they're much brighter and vibrant compared to the rest of the flower. The effect of the light adds shadows to the image. The image is using warm and natural tones. The texture of the image is a soft,smooth silky texture.

The image was shot by Fong Qi Wei and is titled ' Exploding Flowers'. The image is using artificial light and the composition of the image has the bigger parts of the flower leading inwards to the centre and it gradually changes from big parts to small parts. The effect of this is to lead the eyes towards the centre. When I first looked at the image i noticed the centre because that stands out compared to the yellow colours. The colours used go together fairly well, The yellow and the green are quite simular colours. The image was shot from a birds eye view and the image does not have any depth of field.

The image was shot by Fong Qi Wei and is titled 'Exploding Flowers'. The colours used in the image are bright and vibrant and stand out. The orange and the red go together well. The image is well composed and is eye catching. The effect of having interesting composition means that it draws more people's attention to it and it is interesting and nice to look at as it's different to most other images. The texture of the petals look smooth and silky. The image doesn't have any editing done to it. The image uses leading lines because the petals are all pointing towards the centre (Main focus point) so you're drawed to the centre.
Fong qi wei shoot.

I liked the images because i think that i shot in the style of Fong Qi Wei really well and i like the composition of the images.
Edited photos.

Inspired shoot.