The image in in portrait. The main focus in the image is the man at the front because he is in the foreground of the image. The photographer has used the rule of thirds by having the main focus,the man,being in the first part of the thirds. The photograph gives a kind of sad effect because the colours are dark and the sky is dark and gloomy do it gives the image a dark effect. Lines are being used in the image because the path is leading to the old,abandoned trees towards the back so it gives the image a creepy and mysterious feel. Also the man in the front looks depressed so the image looks a lot more dark and sad.
In the 1920s he was taken up by Man Ray and other Surrealists as a major photographer in his own right.
Bill Brandt was a British Photographer who was born in Germany. He was born on May 2nd 1904 and he died on December 20th 1983.